Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Put in a little more effort...

Hey loves... I came across this interesting post Via: @FABcounsel on Twitter explaining the proven fact that your image effects your success!!! Read what they had to say... It's so true!!!

"People always ask me, “how much can my image really affect my success?” My answer to that is “Look at Rihanna.” Does anyone even remember Rihanna before she dyed her hair black, chopped it off into a stylish bob, chopped it off some more, dyed it red, dyed it brown…..? Do you remember her before her rock & roll outfits, sexy look, and edgy fashion-forward style? Like many people, not really! She had some hits, but her career didn’t take off until the release of “Umbrella,” which is when she was matched with the brilliant stylist who changed her life. Now look at her! She has platinum albums, sold out concerts, sits front row at prestigious fashion shows, and is now collaborating with Armani on a clothing line. I’m not saying that her talent didn’t get her to where she is, but her stylist, Mariel Haenn, definitely helped! She is the mastermind behind many of Rihanna’s red carpet, concert, & everyday looks. Rihanna’s image transformation illustrates the saying, “dress for success.” Portray yourself as the person you want to be. This doesn’t mean don’t be true to yourself. It just means that if you’re an assistant, dress like the supervisor. If you’re the manager, dress like the CEO. Dress & present yourself as the person you aspire to be and that will further remind & drive you to attain your goals. So, put in a little thought, time, effort, & money into your look. It will all be worth it in the end."


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sneaker Wedge...

The sneaker wedge is popping up all over the place and it’s just so versatile, you can dress it up or dress it down.  This new trend combines the girlie feel of a wedged heel with the comfy look of a sneaker.  When designer Isabel Marant brought this clever design to the runway, she stirred things up in the fashion world  and I HAVE DECIDED TO HELP HER OUT!! lol  I'll def. be getting a pair and will have pics soon!!! Below are 3 ways to wear your sneaker wedge!! 

Fashion With Ellie: "Steve Madden" Sneaker Wedge

Fashion Hippie Loves: "Lollipop's" Sneaker Wedge

Beyonce: "Isabelle Marant" Sneaker Wedge

Pics of me in mine COMING SOON!!!!! =)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Black & Sultry

Hey loves, it's been a minute huh?  Well, I'm back at this blogging thing!  My post today is just a simple post of my newest Youtube video, Black & Sultry.  Looking back over the past couple of months, I've noticed that my style has drastically changed.  So here is a look into what I guess is the new me. =) 

Top: Sears (K. Collection)
Metal Belt: Boutique (Debrul)
High-low Skirt: Target (Xhilaration)
Pointed Toe Pumps: Kohls (Jennifer Lopez)

New lip color as well!!!
Rimmel London (Kate Collection- 04)

Check us out (The Red Glasses Sisters)